A Pocket Guide To Cambrian Creatures

Illustration of Cambrian era sea creatures including Anomalocaris, Opabinia, Hallucigenia, Trilobite, and Tully Monster.

This was a zine project I worked on exploring cambrian era creatures. This was so fun to paint and work on as all cambrian creatures are just so weird looking.

Illustration of various trilobite species with descriptions; Deiphon, Bathycheilus, Ceratages, Kettneraspis, and Cheirusrus, showcasing their distinct exoskeletons.
Illustration of Opabinia, a Cambrian creature with five stalked eyes, dorso-lateral posterior fins, and a barbed appendage. Contains annotations and a description of its features.
Illustration of Anomalocaris, a Cambrian arthropod, showing lobed fin tail, stalked eyes, barbed appendages, and imbricating lateral lobes. Additional comparison with shrimp highlighting similarities like segmented bodies, lobed tails, and feelers. Text describes Anomalocaris as a large, fast-moving predator from the Cambrian period.
Illustration of the Tully Monster, a Cambrian era creature with labeled features: eyes on stalks, fins, tail, and a jaw. Text discusses its uncertain classification as vertebrate or invertebrate and mentions poor quality fossils hindering paleontological understanding.
Illustration of a green creature with a long neck and spikes, titled 'A Pocket Guide to Cambrian Creatures.'